Food, drink and healthcare tips

What you put into your body can play its part in anxiety, including the food we eat everyday. You should have experienced by now that just cutting out caffeine can help you feel a lot more relaxed and less anxious.  In this page I am going to list the "To do's" and "Not to do's".

To do's:

Have a regular eating pattern throughout the day. Begin with 5 smaller meals instead of 3 larger meals. This will help to give you a healthy blood sugar level leaving you to feel more emotionally stable throughout the day without having unexplained mood swings.

Usual eating pattern: Breakfast > Lunch > Dinner
New eating pattern:  Smaller breakfast> Snack > Smaller lunch > Snack > Dinner

For snacks try to eat; fresh fruits, berries, nuts, natural yoghurt, low in sugar oat bars, oats, 1 slice of granary bread.

For lunches and dinners try and cook with fresh ingredients. Try and cut out your red meats such as steak, beef, lamb and stick with chicken, fish and pork if you need a change. Chicken and fish are very high in protein and protein is good for muscle and brain development. Try and keep your carbohydrate portions  lower but don't cut them out, simply replace them with more fresh vegetables. A plate should consist of 25% Meat, 25% Carbohydrates and 50% vegetable.

Eat brown granary wholemeal bread instead of your regular white bread. This can be said about pasta, wraps and rice, pick the brown option..

It never harms to take a good recognised multi vitamin tablet a day to boost the bodies health, I also recommend omega 3 fish oil table once a day to help brain development. A website with fair honest prices which I recomend is Nutrasource. Click here to go to Nutrasource website

Not to do's:

Stay away from anything that will give you a sugar overload such as candy, sweets, chocolate, fizzy pop, milkshakes, ice-cream and many more products. Don't cut them completely if you cant, but if you have a treat make sure its a small one and only on a day of a weekend, don't make it a regular thing. Sugar can be just as addictive as smoking !

Grease filled, over salted takeaways are a big no no. Yet again, another thing you can reintroduce into your life as a once a fortnight treat !.

Caffeine must be cut completely which is stated in 'The detox page'.

Alcohol contains a load of sugar and masks your anxiety making you feel worse the next morning ! Have the occasional drink, 1-2 pints a week during your recovery.

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